JJ losion

By Sara Filipović - среда, јул 18, 2018

Eng. Hello my darling and welcome back to my blog.
Welcome in new post. I will write about wonderful JJ lotion.
Srp. Zdravo dragi moj i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog.
Dobrodošli u novi post. Ja ću pisati o čudesnom JJ losionu.
Eng. Another cooperation in a row that has gone great.
The lotion came really fast and the people who work there are really nice.He arrived in this sweet pink bag with a bowl.
Srp. Još jedna saradnja u nizu koja je protekla sjajno.
Losion je stigao zaista brzo i ljudi koji tu rade su zaista zaista ljubazni. Stigao je u ovoj slatkoj roze kesici sa mašnom.
Eng. With this lotion I do not hang out so much, but what he does is wonderful. I think I tried it for the first time three months ago, when my face after me became perfect. No pimples and small irregularities. This horrible moon-free month passed when I had a hump of a pimple and decided to order a new one week ago.
Srp. Sa ovim losionom se ne družim tako puno,ali ono što on radi je čudesno. Mislim da sam ga prvi put probala pre 3 meseca,kada mi je lice posle njega postalo savršeno. Bez bubuljica i sitnih nepravilnosti. Prošao je i taj jedan grozan mesec bez losiona kada sam imala brdo bubuljica i odlučila da poručim novi baš pre nedelju dana.
Eng. It comes in a very solid plastic bottle and the design itself is beautiful. On the front is the name of their lotion and instagram, and on the back of the product description and the names of social networks.
Srp. Dolazi u veoma čvrstoj plastičnoj bočici i sam dizajn je divan. Sa prednje strane se nalazi naziv njihovog losiona i instagram,a na poleđini opis proizvoda i nazivi društvenih mreža.
Eng. In order to apply the product, it is necessary to apply it with the help of a tupfer or wadding. The aperture is very small, but a lot of products are released so that they should be observed. Also, the lotion has 100ml.
Srp. Kako bi proizvod naneli porebno je naneti uz pomoc tupfera ili vate. Otvor je veoma mali,ali izlazi dosta proizvoda tako da treba da se pripazi oko toga. Takođe losion ima 100ml.
Eng. What does the producer say? "Lotion designed to cleanse the face and remove the pimples, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, it helps to collect the pores by releasing the grease and impurities to the surface.It is especially suitable for balancing the operation of the fevers of the glands in the T zone of the face, optimal use 1-2 times a day. lotions apply cream. "
It is not recommended to apply to areas around the eyes and to skin that has eczema and similar diseases.
Ingredients: distilled water, alcohol, citric acid, camphor.
Srp. Šta proizvođač kaže? " Losion namenjen za čišćenje lica i uklanjanje bubuljica,normalizuje rad lojnih žlezda. Potpomaže skupljanju pora izbacivajući masnoću i nečistoću na površinu. Posebno pogodan za uravnotežavanje rada lojih žlezda u T zoni lica. Optimalna upotreba 1-2 puta na dan. Poželjno je odmah posle losiona naneti kremu. "
Sastav: destilovana voda,alkohol,limunska kiselina,kamfor.
Nije preporučljivo nanositi na predele oko očiju i na kožu koja ima ekcemska i slična oboljenja.

Eng. Lotion is really effective. He helped me in the solution of many pimples. They disappear in a very short period of time, which means 1-2 days. I spent one bottle, now I'm on the other, and I have the third one. If you want to save annoying pimples, please order your JJ lotion. You can also look at their lotion offer on their site.
Also on their web pages you can see happy impressions of thousands of people.
Srp. Losion je zaista delotvoran. Pomogao mi je u rešenju mnogih bubuljica. Nestaju u vrlo kratkom periodu što podrazumeva 1-2 dana. Ja sam potrošila jednu bočicu,sada sam na drugoj,a imam i treću. Ako želite da se rešite dosanih bubuljica poručite svoj JJ losion. Takođe na njihovom sajtu možete pogledati još ponuda njihovo losiona.
Takođe na njihovim web stranicama možete pogledati zadovoljne utiske hiljada ljudi.

Eng. Do you want a beautiful and glittering skin without pimples? Order your JJ lotion
Srp. Želite i vi lepu i blistavu kožu bez bubuljica? Poručite svoj JJ losion.

JJ site
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JJ Instagram
JJ Email 

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5 коментара

  1. Super post! Zaista mi treba tako nesto,vidjecu da ga narucim! 😃


  2. Odlične fotografije, nisam probala ovaj lasion.

  3. Odlican post, slike su predivne <3 nisam probala ovaj losion ali sam cula sve najbolje o njemu :)

  4. Odlično zvuči,možda i ja naručim jer imam u zadnje vrijeme problema s par bubuljica i mislim da bi ovo moglo pomoći. Hvala na preporuci!

